
Do You Have the Right Tools in Place to Work Effectively in the Office or in the Field?

Those construction company employees in the Toronto area that are old enough to have lived through “the good old days” recall with fondness the freedom of working for a construction firm. Once you had stopped by the office to get your marching orders (or to give them) for the day, you were off to get the job done – just you and your truck radio. Although some may still long for those days of uninterrupted drives and quiet talks with suppliers over coffee, it just isn’t the world that we live in anymore. The construction industry in today’s GTA is fast-paced, and the expectations of constant contact and seamless efficiency that were previously laid on other industries, have also been levied on construction firms by their customers. They expect the same access and immediate attention from your office and employees as they do from every other company that is out there. Because of this, the construction employee job profile (and even your work model to a certain extent) has evolved to include a lot of communication, customer relations, data processing, and work-flow management. Yes, you may have great fondness for the days of yesteryear when your days weren’t interrupted every few seconds with calls, app alerts, and urgent emails all demanding attention. However, the question today is: Do you have the integrated, proactive support of an IT management company that will allow you to work as easily in the field as you do in the office? What’s more, can you work perfectly in sync with the office and switch effortlessly from one location to the other, or do you have to negotiate clumsy file swapping and software compatibility hurdles? Here’s the deal. IT managed service providers like {company} can make your life so much easier!
  • Save Time! - {company} will help maximize your staff's productivity by proactively maintaining your IT systems and eliminating time-wasting issues.
  • Be Prepared for Anything! - We can ensure that your systems and data are always available, secure, and protected against disaster and hardware failure.
{company} has made it their mission to support construction firms in and around Toronto. No, they can’t take all of the distractions of your day away, but they can:
  • Put systems into place to prioritize what actually makes it through to your phone or tablet
  • Give you a seamless IT and communications experience from office to the job-site and back again
  • Centralize all of your contacts so that they are available on any device.
  • Digitize your “to do” list and set up reminders to keep your projects on track
The truth is, the demands of today’s commercial climate are such that you and I will never get away from the constant barrage of calls and emails during the workday. Having said that, a solid IT managed service provider such as {company} can support your construction firm in a way that will allow your day to go so much more smoothly. IT management is more than just computer hardware and software. IT managed service providers can help you manage your distractions as well as the complications of switching between the field and the office. Ready to find out more about how {company} can make your day easier and your technology transition between office and jobsite seamless? Give us a call today at {phone} or drop us an email at {email}. We look forward to hearing from you!