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Cleaning Up Your Clutter in 2020

It’s January 2020, but you probably still have 10,000 unread emails and dozens of files and documents that you don’t need anymore. When it comes to keeping organized, many of us are last minute and forget to do a clean sweep before the new year rolls in. There’s no reason to hoard all your not-so-important files (like your screenshots of memes) into 2020. Here are a few things that you can do to tidy up before January ends for a much more organized year ahead.
  1. Delete spam/junk emails from your inbox.
  2. Create folders to keep the files/documents you need from 2019 or previous years.
  3. Decide what to keep and what can hit the trash folder.
  4. De-clutter your desk area, leave just the essentials.
  5. Throw-out old reports and print outs in your desk/drawer.
  6. Clear the cookies and cached images/files in your browser history.
  7. Clean up your downloads folder and delete what you don’t need.
  8. Get rid of unwanted bookmarks in your browser.
  9. Keep work and personal files separated.
  10. Designate areas for each item such as incoming and outgoing documents.
  11. Throw out expired snacks and goodies in your desk.
  12. Donate extra stationery that you don’t need to a nearby school or charity.
  13. If possible, rearrange your office for a fresh new look.
Think of your work-space as a haven for concentration and focus. Eliminate clutter and junk that can distract you or get in the way of doing your best work. You’ll have more time to be productive if you reduce the time it takes to search for things that you can never find. Some other tips for getting through the year in a better state of mind would be to get away from the office for lunch, do meditations, and take your breaks by walking around and getting fresh air outdoors. Bonus Tip: At the end of every week, book off some time in your calendar to tidy up emails and files that you don’t need. This way you’ll stay ahead of the clutter and you won’t have to do such a large sweep when the new year starts! Happy De-Cluttering!